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Set alarm wiring method- warning Siren


  If there is a natural disaster or other emergency, you may want to have a working siren  warning Siren. Siren speaker wiring layout is similar. A need to provide your power supply in an emergency siren power. You can from your local hardware store a few items, rest to know that you have properly connected your siren. In the event of an emergency, it will be loud and clear.
  1 Locate the alarm's power. If you use the battery, remove the battery before wiring. If the alarm is connected to a building's electrical grid, shut down electrical fuse.
  2 Cut the wire ends. Use warning Siren stripper wire exposed a quarter inch. Extruded strip on the electrical circuit. Pull off the electrical wire cover.
  3 Connect the power wire and the exposed end of the positive charge. Twist the wire ends together. Wrapped with electrical tape exposure.
  4 exposed wires connected across the positive charge of the siren. Twist the wire ends together. Wrapped with electrical tape exposure.
  5 the negative charge of the power cord?? Exposed side. Twist the wire ends together. Wrapped with electrical tape exposure.
  6 opposite the exposed end of the line with a negative charge siren. Twist the wire ends together. Wrapped with electrical tape exposure.
  7 switch electrical fuse or insert batteries. Now your  warning Siren wired and ready to use.