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How to bullet-proof walls and windows of the home


Difficult to design high-security applications, new construction, bulletproof equipment reconstruction of existing family can afford a possible ballistic missile attack is a challenge. It's easy to jump to the conclusion, bullet proof-reading the existing family will involve the use of high-tech materials such as Kevlar, but this material is very expensive. Moreover, in many cases, they are not necessary. Traditional building materials such as brick, stone at a lower cost provides excellent ballistic protection, even if they may need to complete exterior wall resurfacing.

1 Make sure your potential nature of the threat. Before the transformation of the bullet-proof performance, it is the definition of a critical against threats. You need the material to withstand attack from a small caliber pistol than those who will resist the M-14 rifle is much lower. You resist the invaders of the city or paramilitary terrorist threat? Decision, and then look at the material of an underwriter Labaratories ballistic resistance levels to match the threat.

2 to replace a brick or stone veneer wood, aluminum or vinyl siding. Stone and brick will stop almost everything a hand grenade, which is far lower than other bulletproof materials expensive. In addition, car sirens these materials will provide measures of an explosion and fire resistance. Make sure you install the full thickness of the material, however, did not look like real stone or brick thin actor veneer.

3 Remove the walls and installation of bullet-proof glass wall panels, transform the appearance of the house is unrealistic. Select panel of glass fiber, corresponds to a higher level of threat ballistic protection, the thicker (and more expensive) panel.

4 to replace the bullet-proof glass in steel framework with the existing Windows. Again, the price of the bulletproof glass and thickness of the protection level to rise, so make sure your choice is consistent with your level of threat material.

5 Car loudspeakers replacement window privacy glass, bullet-proof interior lighting needs. Please remember to delete a target is as important to stop bullets, did not provide a clear occupants of a potential attacker, if you do not need.